Explore the 7 Money Personalities: Which Type Are You and What Are Its Pitfalls?

Edward Goldstein, CFP |

Understanding your money personality type is crucial for achieving financial health through effective financial planning and wealth management.  Our beliefs and emotions about money, shaped by life experiences, significantly influence our financial behaviors.  As each individual has a unique personality, we all have distinct approaches to handling money.  These financial behaviors can dramatically impact our ability to save, invest and potentially unconsciously sabotage your plan for retirement.

Research has identified seven distinct money personality types: the Compulsive Saver, the Gambler, the Compulsive Moneymaker, the Indifferent-to-Money, the Worrier, the Saver-Splurger, and the Compulsive Spender.  Most people exhibit a combination of these traits.

By exploring these personalities, you can gain valuable insights into your financial tendencies, enabling you to make more informed choices about your economic future and proactively take steps to adjust.  Each type has unique characteristics and potential pitfalls.  By identifying your money personality, you can better understand your financial strengths and weaknesses, paving the way to improve your overall financial well-being and develop strategies to overcome challenges associated with your specific type.

Let's delve into each personality type's characteristics and your potential pitfalls and explore how professional financial guidance can help address your specific challenges.  We'll explore each personality and how they influence financial decision-making, from budgeting to long-term investment strategies.

  1. The Compulsive Saver

Signs you might be a Compulsive Saver:

  • You feel an unquenchable need to save money endlessly, often for concerns of not having enough for retirement, sometimes without a clear financial goal.
  • You believe saving money is the only way to feel more secure in life.


  • Some Compulsive Savers are so afraid of running out of money that they will not allow themselves to treat themselves to spend much of what they worked so hard to save.
  • You might miss out on life experiences due to excessive frugality.

Money advice and how we can help:

  • By following our tailored advice, embrace financial balance and peace of mind by developing a comprehensive financial plan that evaluates your retirement goal trajectory to provide insights on when and how much to save and spend money without compromising your financial security. 
  • Transform your relationship with money, balancing prudent saving with joyful living.


  1. The Gambler

Signs you might be a Gambler:

  • You share traits with Moneymakers and Spenders, which we will also cover.
  • The thrill of risk and the promise of reward is a pleasure that you quickly get lost in.
  • You may gamble away money to escape boredom.


  • Gamblers may resort to frequent trading or high-risk investments.
  • Driven by the "thrill of victory" and exposed to "the agony of defeat."
  • Taking on unnecessary risk gets out of control, depleting retirement savings.

Money advice and how we can help:

  • Harness your excitement for a brighter financial future!  Our strategies will help you satisfy your thrill-seeking nature while building a secure financial foundation by guiding you to be introspective and strict with the financial risks you take in your investment plan.
  • Prioritize balance and security, helping you set aside monthly savings before making big financial decisions.
  • Manage investments and financial risks, ensuring a balanced approach to wealth accumulation while addressing your need for excitement in a controlled manner.
  • By partnering with us, you'll experience the best of both worlds – the rush of potential gains and the peace of a well-protected financial future.  Establish a separate "play money" account for high-risk investments, helping you find balance while limiting impulsiveness and risk in your overall portfolio.


  1. The Compulsive Moneymaker

Signs you might be a Compulsive Moneymaker:

  • You believe earning more money is the secret to happiness.
  • Most of your energy is spent trying to make as much money as possible, often pursuing multiple income streams.
  • You derive pleasure from financial success and recognition.


  • Sometimes, you tend to prioritize money over personal relationships, causing you to consistently miss important family events as you chase the next big deal or work late hours.
  • You may struggle to find fulfillment beyond financial success, leading to burnout and stress, taking a toll on your mental and physical health.

Money advice and how we can help:

  • We can help you discover the true wealth of a balanced life by developing a comprehensive financial plan that enables you to feel comfortable in your financial trajectory to balance wealth-building with personal purposeful living.
  • Collaborate to create a holistic wealth strategy that nourishes your bank account and soul.  Empower you to set aside time for non-financial pursuits while considering ways to use wealth to help others or support worthy causes.
  • Develop strategies to manage multiple income streams effectively and create a well-rounded wealth management strategy that aligns with your values and long-term financial goals.


  1. The Indifferent-to-Money

Signs you might be an Indifferent-to-Money:

  • You rarely think about money or financial planning and the idea of creating a budget makes you nauseous.
  • In extreme cases, you believe money is inherently evil.
  • You strongly feel that money shouldn't influence life decisions, as happiness is more important than money.


  • Risk of insufficient retirement savings due to financial inattention, potentially realizing the shortfall too late to effectuate appropriate changes.
  • Potential lack of financial awareness leading to slipping into debt.

Money advice and how we can help:

  • Provide financial clarity without the stress!  Develop a simple yet effective financial plan and money and portfolio management tailored to your values and preferences, helping you understand and take responsibility for your financial trajectory.
  • Help you develop a basic understanding of your financial situation to ensure future stability and improved cash flow management without it consuming your thoughts.
  • Guide you in tracking income and expenses, cultivating mindful spending habits without overwhelming your preference for minimal focus on money matters that still respects your desire for a life focused on what truly matters to you.  


  1. The Worrier

Signs you might be a Worrier:

  • Constant stress about financial matters, regardless of how much money you have.
  • You tend to withdraw socially due to financial stress.
  • You frequently feel vulnerable and anxiety about your financial safety net.


  • Letting worry and anxiety eat away at your happiness in the present moment is never good.
  • Risk of anxiety disorders or unhealthy coping mechanisms like overeating.
  • Prone to avoiding financial issues, which can worsen the situation.

Money advice and how we can help:

  • Transform financial anxiety into financial serenity by providing empowerment by developing personalized, proactive steps to address your financial concerns, rather than avoiding them, helping to alleviate anxiety and stress in money discussions and decision-making.
  • Create confidence to transform your relationship with money into a more constructive and empowering experience.
  • Partner with you to provide reassurance, guidance, and a comprehensive financial planning approach that aligns with your values.  This gives you peace of mind and a clear path forward for your investment plan and retirement planning.


  1. The Saver-Splurger

Signs you might be a Saver-Splurger:

  • You share traits of both Savers and Spenders.
  • You start with focusing on saving but then give in to spending impulses out of nowhere.
  • When you do use your savings, you might spend on things you don't need or will rarely use.


  • You may feel emotional exhaustion from swinging between compulsive saving and compulsive splurging.
  • You may feel stress and disappointment in yourself for working so hard to save money, only to lose it quickly.

Money advice and how we can help:

  • Find harmony in your financial habits by understanding upfront how making big, impulsive purchases can impact your financial goals, and find a balance between saving and spending within your overall wealth management strategy.
  • Provide insights on managing your savings effectively and making informed financial decisions that allow for responsible saving, guilt-free spending, and indulgences on things that truly matter to you.
  • Create a documented reference point for big purchases, helping you understand potential negative impacts and ensuring your decisions align with long-term financial planning goals.


  1. The Compulsive Spender

Signs you might be a Compulsive Spender:

  • You tend to spend money on things you don't necessarily need.
  • You have an outgoing personality and love treating others, often without reason.
  • You turn to spending for immediate emotional gratification when emotionally distressed.


  • Continued shopping sprees, even with large amounts of debt, can damage your credit scores and create a vicious cycle, as the mounting debt may trigger emotional distress and more spending as a coping mechanism.
  • Risk of bankruptcy if consistently spending more than earning.
  • In extreme cases, it impacts retirement goals and objectives.

Money advice and how we can help:

  • Find an appropriate balance between joy of mindful spending and saving!   
  • Let's collaborate to develop a comprehensive budget and retirement plan, create strategies to manage your cash flow spending habits, and work towards a more secure financial future and true financial freedom.
  • Demonstrate and remind you that buying non-essential items means sacrificing money for essential things like retirement savings or debt repayment.


Understanding your money personality type and its pitfalls can help you make informed financial decisions, manage your finances effectively, and work towards your financial goals.  Whether focused on retirement planning, investment strategies, or improving your overall financial health, recognizing your money personality is the first step toward financial planning success.

At Financial Life Planning, we are a client fiduciary providing personalized guidance and support to help you attain financial security and success, regardless of your money personality type.  We are well-versed to address the unique challenges of each personality, ensuring a tailored approach to your financial well-being.

Ready to take control of your financial future?  Click on the free consultation button to see how we can assist you in achieving your financial goals, from creating a comprehensive financial plan, financial consulting to optimizing your investment portfolio and navigating the complexities of your unique money personality.

We would look forward to speaking with you.

Edward C. Goldstein, CFP®, MBA, President
Financial Life Planning, LLC
10,000 Lincoln Dr. East, Suite 201
Marlton, NJ  08053
Phone: 856-988-5480
Fax: 908-292-1040